2 Free Word Counter Tools for Your Writing Needs
Getting to know your content word count on MS Word or Google Docs is quite a simple process but in cases where you don’t have access to write your content on MS Word or Google Docs but on a notepad or other writing application, how do you get to know the content word count?
This is where word counters come to the rescue. A word counter tool is basically a tool that provides you with the number of words contained in your content alongside other details.
Here are two free word counter tools for your writing needs:
Wordcounter.net: Using this site is very simple and straight to the point. Copy and paste the written content onto the content box on Wordcounter.net and you will instantly see the number of words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs that the content contains.
Alongside these details, you would also get to know the content’s reading time, speaking time, and a keyword density breakdown of the keywords contained in the content.
The content speaking time information that you get on this word counter tool can be helpful in knowing the audio length of your content in case you want to repurpose it into audio or voice-over to be added to video production.
The keyword density information is also helpful in preventing keyword stuffing, which is a good SEO and writing practice.
Wordcounter.io: This website is similar to Wordcounter.net, but there are a few variations on it. The first is its user interface — Wordcounter.io has an attractive web page interface compared to Wordcounter.net, but that doesn’t really matter. The effectiveness of a tool is what matters most (lol).
There is a page counter feature available on this site that helps you have an idea of the number of pages that your written content has gotten so far.
Another feature that this tool has is the spelling and grammar checker feature. This would help you correct likely grammatical errors in your content in real-time.
The keyword analyzer feature is also available on Wordcounter.io.
This is my #32/365 article in 2022, I’m on a challenge to put up 365 articles here this year.